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Want to eat healthy? Know about pH balance first!

The words “acidic”, “alkaline” and “pH balance” are no more random chemistry words that we learned in school and have forgotten about. It's time to dust off the cobwebs and revisit them because they assume a lot of importance in our lives.

Here is how!!

  • pH scale basics

  • Acid-alkaline or pH balance

  • Why is an alkaline atmosphere in our body important?

  • How maintaining an alkaline body helps in Disease prevention

  • Alkaline food

  • Emotions & pH value

  • pH level testing

  • pH scale basics

A pH scale is used to measure how acidic or alkaline any substance is. pH levels can vary from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (highly alkaline). When it comes to our body, blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Our stomach is very acidic, with a pH of 3.5 or below, so that it can break down food with the acid.

Ph levels are both the source and solution to all our health problems. This is a fact that not many of us know or would acknowledge. pH levels are the basic and necessary truth about our body and in effect, our health.

Acid-alkaline or pH balance

The human body consists of various organs and parts, which are in turn made up of tissues and cells. These tissues and cells are composed of 16 chemical elements. The delicate balancing of these chemical elements in our body is an essential factor in the maintenance of good health and in avoiding disease. And for this balanced body chemistry to be maintained, the acid-alkaline balance plays a vital role. The human body naturally maintains a healthy balance of acidity and alkalinity with blood, as mentioned earlier, having a pH of 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. And we have to make sure we help the body to maintain this acid-alkaline balance for our good health.

Why is an alkaline atmosphere in our body important?

The trillions of cells that make up our body are responsible for maintaining our bodies. An important fact is that the cells must maintain alkalinity, in order to function and stay alive. Diseases can thrive only in an acidic body because an acidic atmosphere favors the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, viruses, and any other unwanted organisms. In fact, an over-acidic body is more prone to Cancer and with a pH value of 6.5, there is a growth of cancer cells. So the first line of defense against disease is the proper pH balance. Other factors linked to an alkaline atmosphere in the body are weight loss, better bone strength, improving kidney health & improving growth hormone levels, among others

How maintaining an alkaline body helps in Disease prevention ?

Whenever the alkalinity of the blood is reduced its ability to transport carbon dioxide gets reduced. This results in an accumulation of acidic tissue. This condition is known as acidosis. Acidosis is the breeding ground for most diseases. Nephritis or brights disease, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, high BP, most skin disorders, and various degenerative diseases are caused by this condition.

Blood carries the maximum oxygen at pH 7.4, which is an alkaline state. When the pH falls below 7.35. there is less than the maximum oxygen in the blood. Without proper oxygenation, unfriendly bacteria, mold, and viruses will prosper.

When the human body is in an acidic state, it will try to shield itself from the damaging acid by storing the acid in the fat cells. Our body may make fat cells in order to store unwanted acid for its own protection. So we tend to gain weight if our body is acidic

This process may save our vital organs from severe damage. By returning to a balanced pH level, you may lose unwanted fat cells.

For example, osteoporosis is an acidic problem. As the body becomes more acidic, calcium and magnesium are depleted to make the body alkaline. The body will then leach calcium from bones, teeth, and tissue to make up for this loss. One of the first warning signs is calcium deposits in the body, which comes from the calcium in our teeth and bones and not from nutritional calcium.

These are only a few ailments that are caused by the acidic conditions of our body.

So, naturally, the only way to avoid all these diseases is to increase the alkaline content in our body to maintain the pH balance.

Alkaline food

When food is digested and absorbed by the body, residual ash is left behind, which is either acidic or alkaline depending on its mineral content. This can alter the body’s acidity and alkalinity. Consequently, foods are either acid or alkaline-forming depending on the proportions of various minerals within them.

Most fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits, make our body alkaline. You need to balance your diet with more vegetables and fruits to keep our body alkaline. Meat, dairy, and grains make our body acidic. I recommend that our food intake should be approximately 25% acidic and 75% alkaline. The optimal ratio for our body is 20% acidic and 80% alkaline. If you have any disease of ailment then, then it has to be 90% alkaline.

Emotions & pH value

Not only does food make our body alkaline or acidic but even emotions such as anger, hate, sadness, despair, and loneliness also change our body chemistry to acidic. Happy emotions such as love, gratitude make our body pH alkaline.

pH level testing

You can test your pH level by putting pH paper, which you can buy at your local health care center or pharmacy, in your mouth and wetting it with your saliva. Then compare the colour of the paper with the given chart. The optimal pH level is between 7.3-7.4. The next logical step is to consult a physician or nutritionist to help you understand the readings with respect to your body and to lead you to the path of good health

So it all boils down to the fact that maintaining the pH value in our body is the key to our good health. And it is doubly important in these days of increasing instances of infectious diseases. The sooner we accept this and take corrective and remedial action, the better it is for our health & wellbeing.

Importance of maintaining your body pH balance.

The human body is composed of various organs and parts, which are made up of tissues and cells. These tissues and cells are composed of 16 chemical elements. The balance or equilibrium of these chemical elements in the body is an essential factor in the maintenance of the health and healing of disease. The acid-alkaline balance plays a vital role in this balanced body chemistry. All food after digestion and absorption level either an acid or alkaline ash in the body depending on their mineral composition. The normal body chemistry is approximately 20% acid and 80% alkaline.

Our bodies live and die at the cellular level. The billions of cells in our bodies must maintain alkalinity, in order to function and stay alive. The first line of defence against disease is a proper pH balance. Diseases can only grow in an acidic body, which make a condition favourable for the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, viruses, and any other unwanted organisms. Cancer always strikes those with an over acidic body.

Whenever the alkalinity of the blood is reduced its ability to transport carbon dioxide gets reduced. This results in accumulation of acidic the tissue. This condition is known as acidosis. Acidosis is the breeding ground for most diseases. Nepthritis or brights disease, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, high BP, most go the skin disorders, and various degenerative diseases and caused by this condition.

An acidic state causes a lack of oxygenation at the cellular level. When the pH falls below 7.35. there is less than the maximum oxygen in the blood. Blood carries the maximum oxygen at pH 7.4 which is alkaline state. Without proper oxygenation, unfriendly bacteria, mold, and viruses will prosper.

When the human body is in acidic state, it will try to shield itself from the damaging acid by storing the acid in the fat cells. The body tries to prevent acid from eating holes in tissues. When the acid level is high in the body, calcium and magnesium is also depleted to make the body alkaline. Your body may make fat cells in order to store unwanted acid for its own protection.

This process may save your vital organs from severe damage. By returning to a balanced pH level, you may lose unwanted fat cells.

For example: osteoporosis is an acidic problem. As the body becomes more acidic, calcium is depleted. The body will then leach calcium from bones, teeth, and tissue to make up for this loss. One of the first warning signs is calcium deposits in the body, which comes from the calcium in our teeth and bones and not from nutritional calcium.

Most fruits and vegetables , including citrus, makes your body need to balance your diet with more vegetables and fruits to keep your body alkaline. Meat, dairy, and grains make your body acidic. I recommend that your food intake should be 75% alkaline food. If you have any disease of ailment then, 90% alkaline.

Not only do food makes your body alkaline or acidic. Emotions such has anger, hate, sadness, despair, and loneliness also changes your body chemistry to acidic. Happy emotion, such as love, makes your body pH alkaline.

You can test your pH level by putting oH paper, which you can buy at your local health care or pharmacy, in your mouth and wetting it with your saliva. Then compare the colour of the paper with the given chart. The optimal pH level is between 7.3-7.4.

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Please Note: All the different kinds of content on this site are only intended to make the reader more aware of his/her own body. It is not meant to supplement or replace the advice given by the physician. We will not take responsibility for any possible health consequence(s) arising out of any person(s) reading and/or acting upon the educational content in this site.

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