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The Healing Powers of Dry Fasting

We are all home now, waiting patiently and beating the virus. This is a perfect time to go one step further and pamper our body! What better way than to do Dry Fasting!

Why dry fasting?

  • Self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate your body.

The body is able to self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate with the help of stem cells. During dry fasting, more than the usual number of stem cells is released into the blood. How?

During dry fasting, the body begins a cleansing process that rids itself of old and sick cells. This creates vacated space in tissues for new stem cells. Stem cells are released into the blood in higher volume, occupying this vacated “space” and thus promoting regeneration and rejuvenation processes.

  • Eliminate toxins and clean the body.

In a dry fast, the body eliminates toxins in a different way than normal. Instead of removing toxins from urine, bowels, kidneys, liver, and skin, the body turns each and every organ into a high power incinerator. The toxins are burned up inside of each and every cell. This a faster and more permanent method to eliminate toxins in the body.

Dry fasting also eliminates parasites and promotes the regeneration of healthy tissues. Dry fasting creates a hostile environment where every cell of the body can clean the body. Only the strongest and healthiest of cells survive in such extreme conditions.

This leads to another benefit-Irregularities like cysts and benign tumors dissolve as a result of autolysis, the process by which the body sacrifices its sickest cells for its own survival.

During dry fasting, a process of intense cleansing begins as toxins are eliminated. But purification takes place not due to external water, but by what is called endogenous or metabolic water-the cleaner, high-quality water synthesized by the body.

During a dry fast, the body survives on this super water that the body has used, filtered and fortified. Unlike any external water, this metabolic water is of superb quality, produced by the body’s cells after cleansing. This water does not have any negative information, which is otherwise imprinted in water, allowing cells to experience a revitalization.

Correspondingly, all the body’s tissues through which blood and lymph circulate are purified of external content.

To compensate for the lack of available water during a dry fast the body begins absorbing atmospheric water, carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air. It also begins to manufacture its own amino acids.

  • Improve your immune system.

Fasting helps the body stimulate the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood, clears the blood vessels, cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.

  • Negates the effect of radiation.

Dry fasting helps the body protect against harmful environmental influences, including radiation.

In traditional fasting, this radiation is eliminated in 2 weeks and during dry fasting, the same negative effects of radiation are eliminated in 5 to 7 days.

  • Repairs the body

Inflammation cannot exist without water. Harmful microorganisms need water to survive. Dry fasting is an amazing tool that can address many acute health issues and degenerative conditions.

Dry fasting forces the body to obtain water from the cells. That is why damaged tissues (fat deposits, edemas, tumors) are eliminated faster.

The body knows exactly what to do. It starts by burning everything that is non-essential and harmful to the body.

During dry fasting the body works on eliminating fat, tumors, ganglions and inflamed tissues.

  • Feel more energetic.

For most people who practice dry fasting, they feel younger, renewed and invigorated.

This simple process eliminates all the negative content that enters the body and cannot be achieved through any other kind of medical fasting. Participants emerge from the dry fasting process with new reserves of energy.

Yes, I know what you are thinking now! Does this lead to weight loss?

Yes, some weight loss will be experienced during a dry fast but, let me make it clear, a dry fast is not recommended for the sole purpose of weight loss.

Proper diet and exercise are always recommended to maintain a healthy weight for the long term.

Side effects of dry fasting.

Like all types of fasting, dry fasting has potential side effects. You might experience:

• Persistent hunger- Hunger is a common side effect of any fast. Avoiding water can make you feel even more hungrier, since water helps makes you feel full

• Tiredness- If you don’t eat food or drink water, your body won’t have enough fuel. You’ll likely feel fatigued, dizzy, and weak.

• Irritability- As the hunger builds up, you’re bound to feel cranky.

• Headaches- Restricting caffeine and nutrients, especially carbohydrates, can lead to headaches.

• Poor focus. When you’re tired and hungry, it can be difficult to concentrate at school or work.

• Decreased urination. Omitting fluid intake will make you urinate less. If you become dehydrated, your urine may be dark and smelly.

There are some potential side effects of dry fasting, which are temporary though. But with everything in life, if you want a permanent solution to a problem, then you need to go through the process (however difficult it may seem), to get the benefits. And this amazing and natural process to reset our body and improve our wellbeing is Dry Fasting!

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