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Is having milk really beneficial to us?

Every mammal on this earth feeds its young ones with milk. And every mammal’s milk is intended and meant only for the development of their little ones. Milk produced by different mammals is not suitable for consumption by other species. Except for humans, no other animal drinks the milk of any other animal. Even the cow’s calf stops drinking its mother’s milk once it is introduced to other food

So what’s wrong in drinking milk?

Yes, agreed that milk is a requirement during infancy and breast milk provided by the mother to the infant is not only immunity-building but research also shows that breastfed babies, on average have 10% higher IQ than the others. That said, the mother should not be consuming cows milk herself. We all drink cow’s milk as babies and continue to do so through adulthood. We consume it for breakfast or dinner, in our cereals, in tea and coffee, sweets, and even in our regular meals. Consumption of milk is not meant for lifelong as it is very harmful to our body. No animal except human beings continues to drink animal milk for a lifetime.

Prevention of absorption of nutrients.

Biologically speaking, the human body is not designed to and it is rather incapable of digesting cow’s or even buffalo's milk. During infancy, the body has certain enzymes that help in the digestion of milk but with age those enzymes become inactive. As a result, some undigested components of milk get glued to various parts of the digestive system, resulting in the overall blockage of most of the systems in our body and thus prevents the absorption of nutrients.

The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, the U.S.'s leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding "cow's glue" to children, saying it can cause anemia, allergies, and diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease.

Reduction of calcium.

It is a generally accepted fact that milk provides calcium to our body, but actually, milk removes calcium from our bones! When milk is digested by our body, the cow proteins present in milk produce acid, which has to be neutralized by the calcium in our bones. In fact, we lose some of the calcium already present in our bones.

Digestive problems.

The primary sugar in milk is called lactose, which is not easily digested by many children and they become lactose-intolerant. This is a major cause of irritable bowel syndrome in many children who have milk regularly. Almost 90 percent of African Americans and most Latinos, Asians, and Southern Europeans lack the genes necessary to digest lactose.

Fat & cholesterol.

A single serving of whole milk can contain more than 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance of saturated fat can contain as much as 24 mg of bad cholesterol. I don’t think I need to say more.

Intake of hormones & antibiotics.

In today’s world where making quick bucks and bigger profits is considered as the ultimate achievement in life, the cows are fed with growth hormones in order to increase their milk output. Cows are also fed with antibiotics to reduce the risk of infectious disease or infection in the milk. These hormones and antibiotics end up in the milk the cows produce, which we eventually drink, thereby allowing them into our bodies. This is one of the main reasons why young girls put on weight rapidly and reach puberty earlier than they are supposed to.

Lack of nutritional value.

Of course, there are also cows that are only grass-fed and are bred organically, but the milk that is derived from them is put through a process of pasteurization and homogenization. In these processes, milk is heated to high temperatures, where the good fat is broken down and in some cases all the good fat is removed, leaving behind only the bad fat.

So it is safe to infer that Milk does no good to the body, it only fills the stomach without providing any nutritional value to our body. In some cases, milk is downright harmful to our bodies.

Credit : White Poison: The Horrors of Milk Diet and Health from Tell Youth The Truth


For more, hear famous cardiologist, Prof. Dr.B.M. Hegde, on his views on milk

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